Online retailers and service providers have said that more than 39 percent of their online sales come directly from search engines. This represents a pretty significant chunk of their sales, and so these companies must make sure they are always located in good spots on any given search engine. And rather than try and decipher search engine optimization on their own or for their customers, these companies are turning in droves to Internet marketing professionals that offer a good, strong SEO reseller program.
What does any one SEO reseller program have over another in terms of quality, though? A lot, as it would be anticipated in such a fundamentally technology and more specifically web based field. There are private label SEO companies that are experts at gaining credible and awesome results for their Seo resellers and in turn their clients, and then some pretty bad companies exist, trying out black label policies or tricks to get short term results that rarely if ever pay off. So a distinct difference does exist between a good SEO reseller program and a bad one, and so any prospective reseller should tread carefully.
The best method to formulate whether an SEO reseller program is good is for a reseller to connect with a salesperson or team member at the company offering the program. Then, the prospective reseller needs to ask some pointed questions about SEO to determine how much that company knows about SEO. Of course then, some research is worth it beforehand just so the prospect understands a bit more about SEO and does not sound like he does not know anything.
The important things to know about SEO include the following: 75 percent of search engine users skip over paid ads and instead click directly on organic links. Seventy five percent of people using search engines will not even pass the first page and will use the results they have found on the first page to make their selections and conduct further research. Sixty four percent of owners of smart phones will use their devices for shopping online, including using search engines. Any good operator of a strong SEO reseller program will know all of this and more, like that the smartphone and tablet market has shifted the way in which people connect online and therefore has made brick and mortar stores fundamentally change their businesses processes to keep up with this connectivity.