When you are part of an industry that becomes the focus of a South Park episode that is exploring the never ending circle of sponsored content, you know that you are having an impact on internet users and the direction today’s marketing trends are heading.
The best thing about doing search engine optimization (SEO) work is that it can be done anywhere you can get an internet connection. You can be riding home on a 12 hour drive from Shreveport, Louisiana, to Omaha, Nebraska, after visiting your college daughter. You can be on your way for a Christmas Eve celebration in the middle of Colorado. Anywhere you can connect, you can write.
In fact, the way to find the best SEO reseller is to find a company that has a connection to people who do write from anywhere. Because 70% of the links search users click on are unique, organic content, the best SEO reseller has hundreds of writers across the country creating this diverse content.
Today’s marketing approach is much different from any advertising environment of the past. Instead of creating a single ad campaign that is presented to a single customer, SEO reseller programs create stories that are unique, while at the same time have the ability to be universal. To find the best SEO reseller clients must simply look for the company that can create individualized content that can in turn also be linked to several other customers.
While in some cases these many customers can offer similar products and services, the best SEO content can also work for clients that have virtually nothing in common. Through creative and extensive preparation of a list of keywords, one writer creating a single article can actually generate content that links to many clients.
Creating sponsored content that can meet the needs of several clients is the secret to finding large SEO reseller income. A single story about a Grand Canyon white water rafting trip, through the correct list of keywords, can link users to articles as varied as travel companies in Las Vegas and family therapy services in Minneapolis. These highlighted links then connect users to one specific white water rafting company and an individual family therapist.
Nearly 93% of online experiences begin with a search engine so if you want to find the best SEO reseller options you will work with or work for a company that is finding a way to dominate the over 100 billion global searches being conducted each and every month.